Barbie Holiday Anniversary

Barbie Holiday Anniversary dolls celebrate a festive period of the year and a special event in connection with the history of Barbie, the anniversary of her creation or the anniversary of a special collection. Here are the dolls from my collection below.

Barbie Holiday 50th AnniversaryBarbie 50th Anniversary
A vision of the perfection of the end of year holidays! The Holiday Barbie 2009 doll shimmers as a reflection of an exhilarating year celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Barbie doll.

Barbie 25th Anniversary
A wintry world of silver snowflakes, family, friends and lots of love: this wonderful time of year has inspired Barbie for 25 years! Now she is celebrating this dazzling season. The Holiday 2013 Barbie doll commemorates this silver anniversary wearing a festive and shimmering dress. 3 Barbie make up this Collection (2 in my collection)
Barbie Holiday 25th Anniversary

Barbie Holiday 20th AnniversaryBarbie 20th Anniversary
The Barbie Holiday 2008 doll pays homage to 20 years of holiday-themed Barbie dolls! Wearing a gorgeous sparkling silver dress with silver earrings, long luscious hair pulled up and away from a beautifully painted face. There are 2 variations of this Barbie, a blonde Barbie and a brunette (Afro American)